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英国款待的12个步骤使马克·麦克穆伦(Mark McMullen)反弹以超越冠状病毒爆发。

Author:Social Media/2020年5月14日,星期四/类别:消息

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英国酒店业务目前很可能专注于如何处理冠状病毒爆发的影响,但现在也是前瞻性商业领袖应该超越的时间 - 他们恢复计划。毫无疑问,冠状病毒给整个世界带来了重大挑战。这些数字令人惊讶,新闻更新令人难以置信,因此毫无疑问,全球市场已经震撼,高级企业领导者将其视为他们的新最高优先事项。

It is only right that everyone’s primary concern is with preservation of life and it is encouraging that early scientific and anecdotal evidence is that the huge majority of those infected will make a full recovery in a relatively short space of time. However, the number of confirmed UK cases has just passed 100, and sadly one woman in her 70's, who tested positive and believed to previously in ill health, has died. Despite there


Post the 2001 FMD outbreak impacted businesses struggled to adapt quickly enough to a new world of changed consumer habits and so prolonged their losses.

当然,关于冠状病毒有差异,但是,2001 FMD证明了人类广泛的恐惧会推动其行为的广泛变化。一些自由意志;有些人强迫他们,并不是所有人都有利于许多业务部门的持续成功甚至生存。我们有充分的理由可以自信而不是自满,即将控制这种病毒,而正常的服务可能会恢复。由于酒店业务领导者可能已经有“灾难管理”计划来应对疫情,我敦促那些相同的领导人现在就开始计划如何在爆发后返回繁荣的利润,因为我相信英国酒店业将看到significant growth post this awful period but it won’t be easy and senior leaders will need to be ready in order to capitalise.

1. Trust Your People:

Your culture is already built on trust and you can prove that your leaders at each level have trusted relationships with their teams so you have good reason to be confident that your team managers will make the right decisions and show the right behaviours. You may have given additional support and training to managers during the outbreak period. That will certainly help.


2. Continue with Additional Support for Your People:


让您的员工知道有帮助。如果您提供无息兴趣的员工贷款,请在您的沟通中包括提醒,请指导经理如何通过鼓励每个团队成员互相支持来支持本地和机智 - 有些人会很乐意放弃轮班,而另一些人会渴望多余的时间。


3. Welcome Back Your People:

Once the peak of disruption and fear is over and most of your teams are back in work then, with tact and decorum, celebrate! Encourage leaders to act with freedom within a framework as they have always done and do something locally that shows appreciation for what their team have been through. Also, take time now to prepare how the board will thank everyone. If your style is a letter, then draft it now so you can focus on maximum revenues and profit when the upturn come.


No doubt your outbreak plan will have included increasing communications with all team members. Maintain these for at least 3 months following the end of this period.

不是每个人都(员工和客户)会l return to normality at the same rate so keeping all of your team members well informed with a support network to have their questions and concerns answered will make a big difference to the speed at which they return to their best.




It is extremely likely that this virus outbreak will result in a downturn in customer numbers and although the level of opportunity this brings will depend on the impact on your people resource there are most definitely opportunities to capitalise on during quieter than expected times. Here are a few:

• Improve your sites: When your customers return you have an opportunity to showcase your physical environments as the best, they have ever been



• Bring forward scheduled works such as equipment servicing and decoration


• Utilise chef resource to participate in future menu development ideas – no doubt already a